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Apple-Cinnamon Green Smoothie

Containing a lot of vitamins C, A, and K, bok choy is an excellent source of calcium, magnesium, potassium, manganese, and iron.

Thanks to its vitamin A content, bok choy is great for the optimal functioning of the immune system, while vitamin C is an antioxidant that defends the body against free radicals. Bok choy also provides potassium for the healthy functioning of nerves and muscles, and vitamin B6 for the metabolism of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins.


Green apples contain lots of minerals such as potassium, sodium, calcium, and magnesium, as well as the vitamins A, B, and C. Their components activate the salivary secretion and gastric glands, which facilitates digestion.

In addition, their high cellulose content stimulates bowel function, countering the side effect of constipation that is very common in low-calorie food plans.

The high phosphorus content of this fruit strengthens the nervous system, stimulates the brain’s activity, and sets the conditions for a quiet sleep. Apples are also characterized by their high content of pectin, which helps the body remove cholesterol from the blood and helps us dispose of hazardous metals such as mercury and lead.

Cinnamon is the food-flavoring star of this smoothie and is widely known for its metabolic benefits. It helps stabilize blood sugar (glucose), promoting fat oxidation and reducing triglycerides.


  • 2 apples, cored
  • 1 teaspoon of ground cinnamon
  • 2 tangerines, peeled and deseeded
  • 1/4 avocado
  • 2 heads of baby bok choy (about two cups)
  • 8 ounces of filtered water


Start by adding the liquid to your blender, followed by the soft fruit. Add the greens to your blender last. Blend on high for 30 seconds or until the smoothie is creamy.


Nutrition Facts Apple Cinnamon Green Smoothie